Apogee Is founded on the principle that the game of school and the game of life are two very different things, and being good at one does not always translate to the other. We aim to narrow that gap by preparing our young heroes for life after school, and a life of freedom and ​sovereignty.
More on that from Apogee Co-Founder Matt Beaudreau:
Our Process
- Students are grouped based on development level vs age.
- A project based curriculum where they learn by doing, not memorizing.
- If excelling they are not held back to their 'grade level' and if they need more time on a subject, they get it vs. being labeled 'slow' or 'special'.
- They engage in socratic conversations where they learn critical thinking, and how to create an opinion based In facts, not peer pressure, and they learn that it's ok to disagree and remain civil.
- They will follow the Apogee code of conduct focusing on character building non-negotiables such as personal responsibility, respect for themselves and others, shaking hands, proper manners, and so much more.
- Daily fitness and healthy nutrition are a priority vs. an extra curricular. Outside time is the goal, not a bonus.
- Parent engagement will bring consistency throughout our young heroes lives.
- Passionate coaches that work alongside the learners, bringing them along on their journey.